So, how can you have a true Pop lifestyle ?
1/ Establish a pop rhythm
The number one enemy in an interior space, as in life outside of it, is monotony. That’s why we’re all about discovering rhythm and balance. Alternating heights and dimensions create a rhythm and relief that changes the feel of a room, and the behaviour of those inside it. This change can also be achieved through surfaces that elicit a particular emotion or by choosing a different ceiling, as we demystify this aspect of the interior that is so often forgotten.
2/ Play with Pop light and Pop colours
Playing with variations such as light and dark and dimmed halo lighting, are great ways that come together to produce a warm, elegant interior. Contrasting complementary colours and warm and cool tones, or even different shades of the same colour itself guarantees a true and exclusive signature that is etched on the mind of each individual.
3/ Tell Pop stories
L’The symbiosis of a place is often created through the link between lived experience and the pieces that you bring into the space. Telling a story in your home means mixing memories with new encounters in a natural and fluid way as you create your own artistic narrative.
More than a way of living… this is a real art of living